Ch 14: A normal Lunch

Rika reached home earlier than expected but dared not open the door. She half-expected Mark to be camping the door to catch her.

With a deep breath, Rika turned the doorknob and stepped inside. The silence was deafening, and no one was there to greet her.

There were signs of people being home, but it did not seem as if anyone had noticed she was back.

Rika continued to walk inside and reach the stairs nervously. 

She was sure she was safe when her father appeared in front of her from above the stairs.

"You…are home? I did not realise you came back because of the strong scent remover you are using. Did you find a new brand to use?"

The atmosphere had turned awkward as soon as her father decided to have a conversation.

On the one hand, Rika can remember her interactions with her father over the years. 

It was not because he did not like her but because her father was awkward with her and did not know how to handle Rika.

Her mother had told Rika that her father often made her cry when she was a kid because he was not able to grasp how she was feeling due to a lack of pheromones.

After raising an alpha son, it was tough for the older omega to adapt to a beta. 

Especially since their next child was an omega and needed so much care.

"I am not using scent blockers. I just used public transport to get back home. My seat must not have been marked so early in the morning. Looks like I got lucky."

Rika could tell that her words made her father uncomfortable.

As an elite omega with wealthy parents and a comfortable life, her father could not even imagine taking public transport. He did have a sensitive nose, after all.

"I see…. why did you not call for a driver? We pay them enough to drive us around. You should call them when you need them."

Her father tried to continue the conversation, but he was dead before they started.

It did not seem her father would back down until Sui spoke more or gave him an excuse for her reasons.

"I just wanted to experience being normal for once and have a normal beta experience. But I will call for the driver next time."

Rika would likely not call for a driver even next time, but there was no need to worry her father by saying these words.

There was enough on his plate with Suzie already.

Her father still did not look happy. He seemed to want to say something but did not know where to start. 

Mark appeared in the lower hallway and noticed Rika's back.

"You are back? When the hell did you come back? How dare you lie to me about going out? Shit! I missed you because you did not smell of pheromones-"

"Of course, I don't smell of any pheromones! I am a beta, after all. You only hear what you want to hear."

Rika complained before she quickly ran and slammed the door behind her.

She was aware that Mark was raging behind her as the door closed. He even tried to break her door, and the shaking almost caused her door to break down.

Fortunately, her father could control Mark and make him leave Rika alone.

Her legs felt weak, but Rika felt incredible after being able to talk back to Mark once. 

The shock on his face made Rika giggle even though her body shook in fear. She somehow managed to mark this time best.

The peace did not last long.

Since they lived in the same house, Rika could only avoid Mark for so long.

By lunchtime, they sat at the same table and waited for food. Their mother, seated at the front of the table, was the mediator.

"Where are Suzie and Dad? Did they eat today? Suzie did not tell me they were going out."

Mark addressed their mother, and it felt purposeful. He was ignoring Rika but making it seem accidental and not intentional.

But Rika knew better than that. 

Mark's small glances levelling her with subtle glances showed how much effort he was exerting to avoid Rika's eyes.

'You can ignore me if you want, Mark. It will be better for me if you ignore me.'

Rika ignored Mark right back, and that got to him as well. 

Thankfully, their mother interfered before Rika or Mark could do anything more. Her disappointed gaze looked at her two children, and it immediately made Rika choke.

"Alright, out with it. What is going on between you both? Mark, do you need to say something to Rika?"

Their mother turned toward Mark first, and Rika's breath calmed down. She hated how her body was conditioned to depend on her family's mood and unconsciously wanted to make things more convenient for them.

On the other hand, Mark took it as a challenge, and his hot-blooded alpha instincts decided they did not like to be challenged by anyone.

"I don't have anything to say to Rika. Since she wants to leave us, I have no desire to talk to her. She can live her life as if she is dead to me."

That was…a little more dramatic than Rika had expected her brother's words to be.

Even their mother looked stunned before she grabbed her head and let out a huge sigh.

"Fucking hell! I never knew my firstborn was such an idiot. Maybe it would be better if I left everything to Rika instead. At least, she is more level-headed than her brother and sister are."

Her mother whispered under her breath but did not look at Rika once to see how she was doing.

"Don't come at me with those words. This is all Rika's fault anyway! Don't you have anything to say about this, Rika? This argument is happening because of you."

Rika noticed how her mother flinched when the conversation turned toward her. 

Her mother relies on many pheromones to tell her how people are doing. Even the beta that came to meet her wore artificial pheromones to ensure her mother paid attention to them and did not forget them.

Even Rika had tried that method before, only to get yelled at because her chosen scent made Suzie feel sick.

That had been a traumatising experience for everyone involved. 

"Don't turn this situation on me. You are the one who has problems with me. Stop trying to pin this one on me."

Rika was quick to interject, knowing her mother felt awkward about what happened.

And because her mother was feeling awkward, there was a good chance that she would take Rika's side.

"Mark, your sister is right. She discussed things with me before she submitted her application. The date for her entrance was also pre-fixed a long time ago. It is…not ideal that none of us could go with her, but Rika is almost an adult already. We need to trust her to make the proper judgement."

Rika had expected her mother to say these words. 

Guilt was always present in her mother's gaze, and Rika counted on it to help her.

"Almost an adult? She's nowhere near an adult. She's only nine months older than Suzie. Can you look at Suzie and say the same thing next year? I know I cannot."

Mark was almost yelling now, and Rika could tell her mother was getting irritated by this disrespect.

'Ah, I know that look on her face. I am sure both mother and Mark are about to say things they would regret soon.'

Rika could read her family well and was ready for a hurtful comment.

"Don't bring Suzie into this. She's different from Rika and also an omega. Her face is also very recognisable because of all the media coverage. Our enemies know who Suzie is. That is very different from Rika's situation."

Mark looked at his mother before glancing at Rika's impassive expression. 

Her mother finally realised that Rika was also there, and Rika watched her expression change rapidly.

"I think it would be better if I took my leave and finished lunch in my room. I will also not be present for dinner, so please do not wait for me."

Rika informed the pair sitting in front of her with a blank face. She stood up and walked away before her mother could excuse her behaviour.

"Hey, wait! You know that we did not mean to say anything wrong about you. Rika-"

"It's alright, Mark. This time, it is my fault. Let Rika take as much time as she needs to calm down."

Rika heard her mother's voice as she quickly entered the room and closed her door.

'Knowing Mark, he will discuss my higher education soon. I must convince my mother that I want to move out before that. Thankfully, the timing is perfect for me to talk to her and get her agreement.'

She was not sad about what her mother said to her; Rika was indifferent. 

And if her heart hurt and her chest felt tight because of this? Well, it did not matter. It would settle down as it did every time things like this happened.


Next update will happen when I republish this book in Cupid Quill tomorrow (might be the day after for some of you) I will inform here once I post it anew. Please search for it and add it into your library again.