16: Come out and let's party

Rika's feet carried her out of the house and toward the alpha pair waiting outside her home.

Emily was the first to spot her, and the older alpha's worried expression melted away into relief as soon as her eyes met Rika's.

"Thank god you are alright! I was worried about you since you cut off my call so abruptly. I thought something happened to you because of our rival gangs."

Emily pushed herself off the car she was leaning against and tried to move toward Rika. 

But Damian pulled her back before his lover could crush her. His narrowed eyes made Rika feel self-conscious and more petite than she was.

It almost felt as if Damian was blaming Rika for worrying Emily. But since he did not say anything, Rika could not know his thoughts.

Damian refused to let go of Emily even after she had calmed down, which made Emily realise that she would not be able to hug Rika today.

"Tsk, fine, I get it. I will not be all over Rika, you possessive bastard. But, if you are going to be like that, you better act on your feelings instead of holding me back."

Emily cursed at her lover, but it seemed to have no effect.

All Damian did was pull Emily further away from Rika and more toward his side.

That display of possessiveness and love bites covering the pair's neck made Rika feel weird.

She felt she was intruding in the pair's personal space and witnessing a scene she had no right to witness. 

'Would these two notice it if I decide to head back now? They are both in their world, so I doubt my retreat would be noticeable. I should try this out.'

Rika took a few steps back, but the alpha pair bickering (More like Emily yelling at the statue that was Damian) did not notice.

She made it quite far when she suddenly felt two pairs of eyes looking at her.

"Where do you think you are going, miss? We did not come here to let you slip away from us. Damian, grab Rika's other side. We will be dragging her along with us to the club."

Emily's words were shocking enough to make Rika back out. 

But her arms had already been held hostage by the alpha pair.

Emily had a tight grip on her right arm, making moving around impossible for Rika. But Damian's grip was light and fluttery.

It was clear that the male alpha did not want to touch Rike. He was not even looking at her, but in front of him as he followed his lover's orders.

His actions made Rika feel bitter, and she could not help but curse him in her mind.

'Why the hell are you even touching me if you do not want to? Is that how much you love Emily? God, this is making me feel awful.'

Rika was forced into the front seat, Emily took the back seat, and Damian took the wheel.

The formation ensured that Emily could not escape the pair, even if she wanted to.

After that, the silence in the car was deafening. Emily usually chattered, but she seemed distracted this time. 

Her fingers were playing with Rika's hair, and Rika could also feel her sniffing around to check for any other pheromones. But it did nothing to cure the uncomfortable silence.

Ultimately, Rika had to be the one to break the silence in the room. 

She felt uncomfortable when no conversation was taking place around her.

"Emily, where are we going? You called me late, and I haven't heard from anyone about this outing. That reminds me, I should make this call."

Rika pulled out her phone to make a call, but Damian quickly snatched the phone away so she could dial home.

The alpha was still driving and not looking at Rika, but his expression looked a little tighter than before.

Rika wanted to reach out and grab her phone, but that would require her to lean over Damian's body and be in a significantly…compromised position with the male alpha.

That made Rika instantly calm down, and she sobered up.

'I don't think Emily would appreciate it if I lean all over her boyfriend, to each of my phones. And I know that Damian would snap at me and give me his hostile glare.'

Rika shivered as she recalled her friend's cold looks.

The air in the car had turned awkward, and Emily finally decided to speak up.

"We are going out clubbing tonight. It feels like it's been ages since we all last hung out. And no! The outing from two days ago does not count. We all fell asleep because we drank too much. But today, we will have fun."

Emily yelled as she put her fist up in the air. 

Damian followed Rikat but did not say anything or look away from where he was driving.

Rike lifted her fist slowly as well, but it felt dragged. She was not enthusiastic about this outing at all, and it showed.

Emily ignored Rika's lack of enthusiasm and just dragged her alone.

In the end, Rika just sent a message to her mother's phone regarding what happened. She knew her mother would understand since this was not Rika's first time being dragged out like this.

The club they reached was loud, filled with people and likely a stand of pheromones. It was the perfect place for any alpha or omega to lose themselves. 

But Rika was a beta and an insensitive one at that. She felt nothing but annoyed when she looked at this colourful place.

The trio got out of the car quickly, and Rika was about to head toward that bar when Emily grabbed her hand.

"Hey, wait! Before we head in, I need to do something to ensure your safety."

Emily gave these words of warning seconds before she pulled Rika into a tight hug. Emily's hands travelled up Rika's back, touching her sensitive neck before the alpha rubbed their cheeks together.

When she pulled back, Rika's face was red and flushed.

She barely had time to pull herself together before Damian's hand replaced Emily's on her back and face.

The make alpha was too close when he rubbed his cheeks on the other side of Rika's face, and the poor beta felt butterflies in her stomach.

Rika's body felt weird after that pheromone shower.

Just because she could not sense it did not mean that her body did not react to it.

Besides, all that unnecessary touching also harmed Rika's body and heart. She felt flustered, and her body wanted more.

As soon as Rika began to lean into the touch, Damian abruptly shivered Rika away from himself and stalked forward.

It was a common occurrence, but it still hit Rika to be pushed away like this.

Emily noticed how Rika's face fell after she was treated like that. So, Emily quickly assures Rika of her boyfriend's innocent intentions.

"Don't take Damian's actions at face value, Rika. It may seem he hates you, but that is not true. He's just awkward, you know? He's also holding back a lot, for your sake. Man, you should see him during his rut. Even I lock him up so that he can spend it alone."

Emily confessed, but Rika was not reassured.

She knew that the alpha pair did not spend their ruts together, mainly because they were too dominant and violent during that time not to hurt each other.

Rika once suggested that they get a shared omega for their cycle. But the pair had just looked at her with an unnerving glance before Emily had jokingly suggested that Rika be their third.

While it was not unheard of for a beta to help balance out an alpha-alpha or omega-omega couple, it was also tricky.

The changes in beta dying were too high, so no one wanted to do this, so it was necessary.

Rika had not answered Emily's teasing remark when it had been mentioned, which was enough for Emily never to repeat it.

"I know that Damian does not mean anything by his actions. By the way, did you both scent-mark me? Wouldn't it cause many problems if people approached me and expected me to be an alpha because of these pheromones? Things can get violent."

Rika warned Emily, almost hoping that Emily would realise the danger and let Rika head back.

But Rika forgot that she was dealing with one of the densest people in the world. 

Emily only laughed out loud at Rika's concerns before waving her hand dismissively.

"Nah, it will be fine. People will not mistake you as an alpha since you are covered in two scents instead of one. And even if they did, you can ignore them. Damian and I will be with you and keep you safe. There is nothing to worry about."

Emily assured Rika that this was what worried Rika the most.

Emily said this to Rika every time. But Rika knew better than to trust her friend. The alpha pair would disappear from her line of sight as soon as they arrived inside.


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