Ch 21: A familiar face to the rescue

The situation was getting tenser by the second, and stakes were rising. No one dared to move or do anything in case the madman holding Rika decided to hurt her. 

"Fuckers, this is your last warning. You either back away and let me go. Or I will end this girl now."

The man asked again, and that was Rika's final straw.

As much as she wanted to live an everyday life, she needed a life first. Currently, she is being threatened by someone.

The man holding Rika hostage had made the mistake of keeping her hands unoccupied, and that helped Rika reach out for her back pocket and take out the weapon she kept there.

From the looks of tension around her, Rika could tell that this man was some alpha flaunting his pheramones all around.

It was easy to deal with these alphas, but they were sure someone would not resist them if they spread their pheramones.

Rika jabbed that pheromone disharmonised into the man behind her, and he instantly let Rika go with a sharp gasp.

As soon as she was free, Rika grabbed the man's arm and twisted it around until she had him under her weight.

It all happened in a fraction of a second, and everyone looked stunned to see a small female taking down a significantly bad alpha in front of thier eyes.

"What are you all doing? Please hurry up and help me out. The doze I gave this man was mild and will wear off soon. I cannot keep holding him down forever."

No matter how strong Rika was, she knew her strength. She would be unable to hold this alpha down once he returned to his senses and decided ot fight back.

That was why she needed him secured before that happened.

The goons following the criminal quickly took action and secured the man they were chasing. But they suddenly did not know what to do with the civilian who just helped them.

Rika had gotten a good look at the mark of loyalty some of these members had. They were not from her family but from Emily's family.

And that meant it was not very likely for them to know who Rika was.

'It would still be better to stay safe than sorry. I should take my leave for today.'

Rika looked at Charon's face and could not help but cringe. Charon looked visibly pissed and ready to kill someone.

"Charon, it is not worth it! Let's head back for today. We can come back and look for a job later."

Rika tried to avoid what would happen, but Charon's look indicated that she disagreed with her.

"No way! How can you even say that, Rika? These people put your life in danger, and that is unacceptable. The least they could do is offer us compensation and apologise. But they are treating you as if you were invisible."

Charon seemed angry on Rika's behalf, but it felt good.

But despite that, Rika knew that being ignored was for the better. She wanted to avoid drawing attention to her and making things more complicated.

"No! It is fine if no one pays attention to me, Charon. Instead, I prefer it myself. Now, let's hurry up and leave. I do not want to disturb these people's work."

Rika said that, but she meant they should go before any higher-ups from the gangs decided to show up.

'Fuck! Isn't this territory being managed by Emily's cousin? That is the last person I want ot run into.'

Rika tried to grab Charon's hand and drag her out, but Charon was adamant about getting some compensation for what had happened.

The situation was finally secured, and these goons finally had time to turn toward them and pay them attention.

"I apologise for what happened, miss. We will ensure that this never happens again to you or anyone else. We would also like you to wait until our boss arrives. He wants to talk to you about compensation."

Alarm bells rang in Rika's mind when she heard those words.

Everything in her body told her she needed to run and never look back. But things rarely worked out how Rika wanted them to, and this time was no exception.

The second Rika grabbed Charon's arm to pull her up, Charon decided to be stubborn and pull Rika back.

"I don't know about you, Rika, but I will not get up until I get the promised compensation. And you will stay with me for the whole time."

Charon was adamant about this, so Rika sighed and sat down.

At this point, there was nothing else she could do but pray that she would not be recognised.

Rika could see some people around her looking at her with a concerned look, and she was sure that something awkward was about to happen.

"Hey, should we call a doctor to get you checked out? Someone like you can go into shock because of the pheramones, so you should get yourself checked out…fuck, you are a beta?"

The alpha, who walked over with a concerned look, suddenly changed his tone to frustrated and annoyed as soon as he noticed Rika was not an omega.

"Well, I never said that I was an omega. And if you are concerned about me, then don't be. I am a rather insensitive beta, so pheramones do not affect me like others. You don't need to worry about me."

Rika assured the man that his face wore shades of red before settling on anger.

'Ah, I stubbed his ego as an alpha. I am sure I am about to hear something ridiculous right now.'

"Shit! A beta with that face and physique? What a waste for all of us. Fuck! I feel so silly for worrying about you and this situation now."

The man sounded bitter, and Rika was surprised at how level-headed this man was. He had yet to properly curse Rika out for deceiving him.

"Hey! What is your problem? Just because my friend is a 'beta' does not mean she was not in danger. Does being a beta suddenly change her situation? No, right? Then shut up and apologise to her."

Charon took this rant worse than Rika's, and she voiced her thoughts out loud.

Her unexpected words and actions made Rika's heart swell with pride and nervousness.

Rika could see the shock fading from the Alpha's eyes, only to be replaced by frustration and anger. That man was about to lash out at Charon.

From how Charon had tensed up, the pheramones must also be getting to her. But she refused to back down and let this man do what he wanted.

"Charon, calm down. It's fine. I do not feel offended about being called a beta. After all, I am one, and I am proud of it. So let's not get angry. I do not want this situation to become something it is not."

Rika quickly smiled at Charon to calm her down. But her efforts just frustrated Charon even more.

Being ignored like this frustrated the alpha in front of them, and Rika felt it the second this man decided to take action.

"You little…how dare you both ignore me when you are just mere betas? It looks like I need to teach you both a lesson."

The fist flew toward them, and Rika's training kicked in before her senses could detect it.

Rika could quickly shift the course of that attack by attacking at the right time and shocking the attacking alpha.

Since the alpha never expected someone small like Rika to attack him back, his instincts got confused, and he quickly stopped.

Rika was thankful that her trick had worked, and she was about to try to calm this man down with words when he was knocked down from behind.

A hand covered that rude alpha's head before it collided with the ground.

Charon let out a sharp breath at the display of strength, and she even backed down, realising that there was no way to escape this new alpha.

"Ah, I apologise for what my rude employee said and did to you. He needs more training before being allowed back out in the fields. I will talk to his trainer and retrain him immediately."

Rika looked at the man who just saved her. 

'Fuck it! When it rains, it pours. I should have expected the person in charge to be Emily's cousin. And out of everyone, it had to be Rocxx Steinz.

Those familiar cold grey eyes looked at Rika, and she knew that she had been recognised. She could only hope this man had enough sense not to say anything to her and let her secret out.

But of course, why would the man who was akin to the devil's reincarnation would do that for her?

Rocxx had to prove that he was the biggest asshole and call out to Rika outright.

"Oh my! What do we have here? It's Rika! It's been a long time since we last met, right? My cousin is so horrible! She forbade me from going anywhere near you. And who is your friend? She looks familiar as well."

Rocxx asked in a teasing voice but continued pushing the other alpha into the ground all this while.