Ch 26: Who is to blame?

Stepping back into the familiar surroundings of home after the seclusion of the beta-only dorm was a stark contrast. This transition, Rika found, was more than just daunting. 

Rika had considered not returning this time and apologising to her mother and family about her decision. But her plans were foiled even before she finished making them.

With a firmness that brooked no argument, her mother clarified that Rika's absence from this inter-family party was not an option, no matter the circumstances.

She had even sent their family car to pick Rika up to ensure this. This made running away and not participating in this event impossible for Rika.

That also explained her sour mood during the morning hours.

"Ouch! What happened to you? You look ready to bite someone's head off. Did something happen?"

Charon asked as she entered the bedroom. It seemed she was always in the beta house and showed no sign of returning home.

Rika did not know her reasons, but she felt that Charon's home life was far from decent. That was why she preferred to stay out and not talk about it.

"My mother is calling me back. There is a party that I don't want to attend, but my mother wants me to participate at any cost. I am thinking about how to say no to her. She even sent a car to pick me up."

Behind Rika's temple, a slight headache formed, and she reached out to soothe it. However, that only made her headache worse.

Charon looked sympathetic toward her, but she could not do much about it.

"Your mother is a party for the Goodwell group, right? I want to tell you to troll her, but I don't think you should this time. Just grin and get through this situation somehow."

Rika gave the older beta a deadpan look for her suggestion. 

She was sure that anyone else would have told her to fuck it and do what she wanted to do without consequences.

But everyone else Rika knew was either an alpha or an omega anyway. Their thinking was much different than the rational mind a beta had.

Charon looked offended by Rika's expression and decided to defend herself quickly.

"Hey, I'm an honest person. It's not me if you want someone to tell you to follow your heart. Did you expect anything else?"

Somehow, those words caused Rika to let out a startled laugh as soon as she heard them.

'Ah, it is like Charon to say these words to me. She is practical and does not let emotions cloud her judgement.'

Rika felt frustrated but understood at the same time. Charon was indeed someone who got Rika well.

"Well, you should get ready now. When are you being picked up? And from where? Do you want me to accompany you until you get picked up?"

Charon asked Rika in an easygoing voice. And Rika was about to agree with her when she paused and remembered a crucial point.

She was being picked up by their family car, which only the central family could use.

Even if Charon knew about Rika's ties with the Goodwill family, that did not mean she knew about Rika's position as the middle child of the main couple.

And thus began Rika's attempt to make sure Charon did not come to see her off.

"It's okay! You don't need to come see me off. I will be gone for only a single day at most. Besides, aren't you supposed to go to the library with your classmates today? You will be late! Hurry up and go!"

Rika pushed at Charon's back to make her start walking toward the door.

"Hey! Are you trying to get rid of me for good? Don't you dare!!!!!!"

Rika managed to get Charon away in time and then got ready to head back. 

The driver looked far from happy at having to come out all this way for Rika. But the driver was overly polite in front of Rika, making her suspicious.

She was sure the driver had not come here alone, and her suspicions were proven right as soon as the car's back window rolled down.

"Do not even think about running away from me, Rika. I know what you are thinking about. You will be coming with me to this party no matter what."

Mark sat in the backseat of the car with a calm expression. But Rika knew her brother well enough to see the rage swimming behind his mask.

The redness of her brother's eyes told Rika that last night had not been a nice one for him. 

'Looks like Mark went drinking last night. I do not even want to think about what could have happened to put him in such a bad mood.'

Rika did not ask questions. She quietly sat down beside Mark and waited for him to speak.

No matter how quiet her brother was, he could not hold his silence for long.

Mark did not hold himself back as expected once he was sure Rika had settled down.

"Is this the neighbourhood you chose to live in? Isn't this rather poor for our standards? You still have time to change your mind and transfer to a better university."

"No need! I like this place and how average it is. Also, this place suits a beta like me just fine! After all, aren't I an average person in your eyes too?"

Mark visibly cringed at those words, and anger surged in his expression.

"You are not average at all. You are a Goodwill, and that automatically makes you unique. Don't listen to other's words."

Rika was surprised that Mark had bothered saying even this much to her.

While most people would be touched to be told such a thing, Rika had heard Mark complain about the same thing quite a few times about her.

That instantly invalidated anything he said about Rika, good or bad. But for now, Rika could pretend that Mark's words were affecting her.

"I understand. I am not average and will not bring the family image down by calling myself average again."

Rika assured Mark, but he did not look as happy as he should have been with this reassurance.

He opened his mouth to say something but then instantly closed it. This continued for a little while until the appropriate moment for Mark to be able to say anything passed.

They reached home in that tense silence, and Rika quickly ran inside before she could be stopped.

She ran past her father and Suzie without paying attention. She was sure they were calling for her, but Rika hesitated to walk up the stairs.

Maybe she should give her father a chance to talk to her…

"Was that Rika? Why is she back? Is it for the party? Was she supposed to be back for this party? I did not account for her. Oh no! I do not have a new dress for her. What should we do? What will she wear?"

Suzie's voice went from calm to panicked in that short time. It seemed as if she would have a panic attack if she did not calm down.

Luckily for Suzie, Mark knew exactly what to tell her.

"Hey, Suzie, calm down. It will be fine. It doesn't matter if Rika does not have a new dress for this party. She has more than enough dresses already. Besides, Rika is hardly the centre of attention at these parties. She can wear one of her older dresses and pass it off as new."

Mark was very definite about being two-faced when the time called for it.

But it was also because Mark liked and respected Suzie and her happiness much more than Rika did.

'You always say words like these as soon as Suzie is involved, and then you wonder why I don't trust your words.'

Rika bit her lip to prevent herself from confronting Mark. Her brother had shown that he would not change.

"Your brother only said these words to comfort Suzie. Even you have to know that he does not mean them. Don't make such a disappointed face, Rika. I can buy you a new dress if you want one. You are understanding, so you will not take it to heart."

Her mother walked up to Rika from the top of the stairs. It was clear that she had heard everything that Mark had said.

Despite knowing that Mark was hurt by what was said, Rika's mother supported her. But that was just how things worked in their house.

Rika was disappointed but no longer shocked by this discrimination.

"It's okay! I am no longer disappointed by anything I hear. I will spend the rest of my time in my room, so please do not disturb me until we leave. And even then, please send me a message and do not come to bring me down yourself."

Rika's words might sound rude, but she was serious about this. Her mother could not condemn her after what just happened, either.