Ch 29: Who's fault is it?

"Is the puppy still not warming up to you? Did you give it food? Animals usually warm up to the people who feed them, right?"

Charon asked once she came back during the evening. 

Rika had given the pup some space, allowing it to explore independently. With its tail wagging tentatively, the pup had found comfort under Rika's bed, a safe spot out of sight.

"The puppy might be young but has gone through a lot. Trust cannot be built up in one day anyway, so I would give the puppy a few more days to adapt."

Rika commented casually, not minding the curious looks Charon gave her.

"Oh really! Well, I guess I will try to get along with the puppy. I should also introduce myself to it. Hello, puppy! It is nice to meet you-"


"Maybe it is not a good idea to introduce myself to it right now."

Charon had blown down in front of the bed to look underneath Rika's. But the puppy did not seem as keen to welcome her as she hoped it would be.

That growl was a direct warning for Rika to keep her distance and not interfere with it.

"It looks like the puppy rejected you, Charon. Don't let it get to you. Most abused animals distrust humans at first. I am sure it will warm up to use soon enough."

The puppy was still young enough to be trained to live with humans. Rika would make sure to provide for it.

Charon did not say much after that, either. She closed the curtain to her side of the room, and Rika no longer knew what her roommate was doing.

She was not interested to know either since Rika had many things to go through before going to work.

Rika's part-time work began after school hours and lasted until 08:30 in the evening, almost four hours daily.

The pay she received for the work and effort Rika put in was different. But was Rika going to complain about being overworked? Of course not!

She would get every penny she could from this job and live a good life.

"Alright! It is time for me to head off to work now…are you going to keep following me?"

Rika looked down at the ball of fluff at her feet.

The puppy ran out the second Rika opened the door, but it stayed near her constantly.

Its cautious behaviour amused Rika, but she did not laugh at the puppy's excitement.

"Would you like to come to work with me? Well, I don't mind. It will be fun to have you along."

Rika allowed the pup to come with her, but she also wondered if she should collar it so it would not run away.

Ultimately, Rika decided not to go with the harness and collar. If the puppy decided to run, Rika would pick it up and hold it.

The pup was young enough not to harm anyone anyway.

Miraculously enough, the pup did not stray away from Rika for a second. 

It kept making a reluctant face as it followed Rika, but it clearly would not leave her alone.

"Please take a look at you. Your half-reluctant faces remind me a lot of Damian. I could name you after him. How about Dam? No! That sounds stupid. Well, Dan is cute as well. How about Danny? You don't mind that name, right?"

The pup tilted its head when it looked back at Rika with a varied expression. Its black fur and irritated eyes made it look even more like Damian.

Even the reluctant expression the pup had was similar to Damian's.

Emily would have a field day once she sees you. I might have to keep carrying you when she is around, or she might kidnap you from me. I should apologise to you in advance for this."

Rika felt silly talking to a puppy like this, but it helped unburden her mind.

The puppy also did not seem to mind. It was happy to be out of its confinements and running freely.

It took Rika longer than usual to get to the florist shop where she worked. 

Her coworker Daniel looked up at her. He seemed ready to open his mouth and give Rika peace of mind for being late when he noticed the pup at her feet and made an understanding expression.

"You brought a puppy to a flower shop? Do you think it was a good idea? It might feel overwhelmed with all these new smells in the air."

That was the first thing Daniel asked Rika. He did not even greet her before his eyes moved toward that pup Rika had with her.

It made Rika feel silly when she heard those words. 

'Shit! I forgot all about that. Is Danny feeling uncomfortable? Should I get Danny checked out for this? What if he is allergic or something-'

"Stop fretting. Shit! I did not say those words to worry you. Your pup looks fine. Look, he is looking around curiously. Now calm down and tend to the counter."

Daniel was quick to react and noticed Rika's panicked face. He intervened and quickly assured her that things were alright.

That assurance did a lot to calm Rika down. 

It allowed her to look better at Danny and realise it did not look uncomfortable.

When the door opened, Rika wanted a better look at the pup, and a customer walked in.

The old lady wanted roses and jasmine, a unique combination and Rike quickly processed her order.

The pup ran away when the old lady entered, but Rika did not see it until it was time for her to leave.

Somehow, the pup miraculously appeared by her side when Rika stepped away from the counter.

It still did not allow Rika to touch her and growled when anyone other than her approached its place.

But at least it was not outright ignoring her now.

"I will get going now, Daniel. Have a good night."

Rika opened the door and was about to head out when Daniel spoke up.

"Hey, be careful out there. I have a weird feeling today. It almost felt as if someone kept looking at us throughout the day. …make sure you are safe, alright?"

Daniel looked agitated when he said that. His mood also looked soured.

It did not seem like he lied when he asked Rika to be careful.

'Was someone following me today? I did not notice it at all. Or does Daniel need to be corrected? I will never know.'

Since Daniel was also a beta, the chances of him recognising pheromones were low. But he was still more alert than Rika, and she decided not to ignore his warning.

"Hmm, I understand. I will be careful out there. Hopefully, it is nothing too dangerous."

Rika tried to assure herself while walking out of the flower shop.

There were many people around her, and it made Rika feel relatively safe. Somehow, that condition continued until she reached her block.

Rika had no idea why so many people were out today, but she was thankful for it. She felt relieved once she entered her home and the door closed behind her.

Once Daniel had Rika tell him about his suspicions, Rika started seeing the signs everywhere. 

She was not sure if it was her paranoia, but even Rika felt like she was being stalked now.