Ch 109: Is this a date?

"Boo! I feel bothered when you are so uptight, Charon. Why don't you ever trust me and help me out? When have I ever led you astray? Come on and answer me right now!"

Fey sounded sad. She sounded more disappointed than sad, but Charon did not care.

The older beta rolled her eyes as she pulled her covers over her head and released.

"Fey, remember I know what you plan to do. And I refuse to make Flourite my enemy because you want me to. Rika, you be careful out there as well. Back out when you feel uncomfortable; no one will blame you."

Charon assured Rika that her confidence almost made her want to back out.

Unfortunately, Fey notices Rika's intentions and quickly grabs her arm to stop her from doing what she wants.

"Don't do that! Don't back out now. You promised to help me, so please see it through till the end. I promise it will not be anything too dangerous that I will make you do. Just help me out once! Please."