Ch 141: Disappointed Answer

"I'm going to go talk to Rika about it all. I need to know why she hid her feelings from us all this time. She could have told someone else even if she did not want to speak to us. I don't like being painted as a culprit when I tried everything to get close to her."

Mark was drunk, so his real feelings were on his face.

He looked pissed, disappointed, angry, gloomy, and so much more when he looked at his mother.

When Natasha looked at him, Mark's face sported a hint of a vulnerable child, almost making him seem like a giant manchild who had never grown past his insecurities about his life.

"I would like you to say the same thing when sober. Mark, you tormented Rika a lot as well. All your talks ended up in arguments, mostly physical confrontations. I don't think Rika would like to talk to you much."

Natasha gave her son a dose of reality he had been running away from.