Ch 161: You already chose your poison

Mark felt slightly worried about introducing a foreign substance into Rika's body like this. 

Such medicine could cause hormonal imbalances inside the user's body if they did not suit the user. 

Everyone in his family used custom suppressors in their time of need, which smelled like the mass-produced common ones he tended to avoid.

"Oi! What are you hesitating for? Hurry up and give the medicine to Rika before her condition gets worse. Whatever you are afraid of will not happen."

Emily's voice on the phone was firm, yet comforting, and Mark felt a wave of relief wash over him.

If one person was obsessed with his sister and would never harm her, it was Emily…and, by extension, Damian.

"Fine, I am giving it to Rika. Where do I give it to her? Is it an oral injection? Somehow, the shape of this syringe is a little weird. I don't know how to use it."