Ch 176: Let's plan it out

"Suzie, why don't you head back to your room? I need to talk with Mark about something serious. But you will get bored if you stay here."

The oldest female alpha looked at her alpha son when she said these words.

She might have been addressing her youngest when she opened her mouth, but there was no illusion in anyone's mind that her words were meant for her oldest instead.

Suzie made an annoyed face when she heard her mother's words and opened her mouth to protest.

"No! I will not head back inside even if you tell me to. I want to stay here and participate in this talk as well. I am old enough to understand things. You cannot treat me like a little child anymore."

Suzie complained as she put her foot down and stomped the ground.

Natasha rubbed her eyebrows when she noticed what her youngest was doing. She also had to say that she wanted to be more impressed with Suzie.