Ch 193: Tense town

Silence filled that clearing, and Rika used it before Zhu Li returned to his senses. 

Currently, his shock was what allowed Rika to run away from him. She also grabbed Fey to get out of the alpha's range quickly.

It was already too late when Zhu Li came around and realised what had happened. Rika had made her escape, but the alpha was left in the dust.

"Ha…hahaha, this is amusing. I never expected my friendship to be rejected like this. Is this the first time this has happened to me? I don't think I remember any other times."

Zhi Li made an amused face.

What Rika did was dangerous. This would have wounded most of Alpha's pride, and they would have gone after Rika to get revenge. But Zhu Li was different in that regard.

He felt annoyed that Rika played him like this but was also amused.

And his feelings of amusement were greater than his annoyance at Rika.