Ch 200: Come on, Like me

Rika had to walk a long way to get back home, but her body decided that it was too tired to move.

Shuu somehow noticed this, and he led Rika right to the side table and forced her to sit down. 

Once she settled down, the pup pawed against her leg to be picked up and put on the bench.

Rika did not hesitate to do just that, and now she had a pup on her lap that wanted to cuddle with her.

"Hey Shuu, do you think I am doing the right thing by backing out like this and not helping Zhu Li? The right thing to do would be to help out. But It doesn't feel safe."

Rika complained as she kept the puppy close.

Shuu did not respond to her, but he licked her face to make Rika feel better. It worked well, making Rika feel more relaxed and releasing her tension.

"You are right. There is no point in getting involved with all this mess. I should focus on what I need to do instead. Let's see! I should start heading back home now."