Ch 236: The Invite

"Andrew B Tweten, why are you calling me this late at night? Don't you have anything better to do? Are you drunk or something? Or did someone prank you?"

Rika looked at her phone to confirm the time and had to admit it was early enough at night.

It was only 09:00 PM, but it felt over midnight because of Rika's hectic day.

Her body felt tired and threatened to fall asleep any second now. Rika's head was already dropping, and the phone had slipped out of her hands more than once.

"Ah, is it that late at night? I did not realize how late it was because I was leaving the country. If you are too tired to talk, I can call you tomorrow. Would that work for you-"

"Yeah, sure! Call me tomorrow in 12 hours or so. I am too tired to care about what you say right now."

Rika cut the call off before Andrew could get another word in, and she fell asleep.