An unnecessary charade first thing in the morning

Lucy's pretentious nature could never be rivaled when it came to covering up her black heart with a pinch of innocence and she had her face to aid her in it.

She could do anything to get what she wanted and not care what the consequences would lead for the other party. And she did it so excitedly too.

She was a maniac who loved to see others in pain. And one person she would do anything to see in pain was Valerie.

She wanted to see Valerie fall and always be blamed for causing harm to her, even if she didn't. And now that it has come to this, where her position as the wife of Maximus Stewart was at stake, she was ready to do all sorts of things, to take Valerie out of the picture.

Valerie was always acting the bad guy when they both knew who the bad one amongst them was. They could play each other's role when they were outside but when it was just the both of them... The tables would turn.