Everyone Knows Except Thorin

"How did you find this place?" Riona asked, in awe as she inspected her surroundings. 

The dimly lit room was spacious enough to be a small library. Bookshelves were attached to all the walls, including the one that also served as the door. There was a small desk right in the middle with no chair. Two sofas were placed near the fireplace.

"I didn't. Puck did."

She scanned through the unfamiliar books as Thorin kept talking. Some of the books were in foreign languages that she didn't understand. 

"An item in this room belongs to a werewolf," he revealed. 

"What item?" Riona turned around, interested. 

"A werewolf wrote a book, and somehow, that book ended up here. I'm guessing your king was suspicious of the content; hence, he felt it was better for him to keep it here. This way, no one can get their hands on the book."