Petty Revenge

"Scrub it well. I won't leave you alone if I find even the tiniest stain. You still have to learn to respect your elders," Juan the Cook said.

He had fully recovered from his injuries and had now returned to the palace kitchen with the same grumpiness. As expected, Juan the Cook was born to be cranky.

The cook crossed his arms, "I let you off the hook because you've been helping out in the kitchen for so long. I couldn't believe you repaid my kindness with violence! But I let it slide this time."

The only reason why Riona said nothing and kept scrubbing the stockpot was because he was responsible for giving food to Riona and Florian now.

"Know your place and keep your head low! My life is worth more than yours in His Majesty the King's eyes," he continued with his ranting.

Before the whole incident of throwing Juan the Cook out the window, distributing meals was Miss Olive's duty.