Chapter 752 - Glory or Duty

Broken sat quietly in his room, reviewing the items on his backlog. His focus lingered on the upcoming journey to the West Continent. It was a route that was well-traveled, connecting the South and West Continents in a way that made it one of the more straightforward trips.

However, the real challenge awaited him once he reached the West Continent. His ultimate goal was a much longer trek—to the location where he suspected he might finally find Ivana. 

For now, Aego, the golem ship, would remain under the care of the Vensalor Outriders, ready to support their next journey alongside SexyGrill. Her main quest to locate the floating island was also an immense undertaking that would require time and resources. Both missions were shaping up to be monumental in scope.

Broken leaned back in his chair, his mind turning over the details. What else would he need for this long journey? Another golem? A larger team?