The controversy surrounding Team Destroyer's victory continued to escalate, with numerous protests emerging from various players and communities. Most of the complaints revolved around Broken's unconventional method of solving the puzzles, which many argued was a blatant exploit rather than legitimate problem-solving.
Additionally, players voiced frustration over Broken's high-grade summons, claiming that his Legendary-grade spirit and battle-ready beasts essentially functioned as extra team members. Some argued that Team Destroyer wasn't just six players—with the summons included, they were seven, maybe even more. After all, the Spirit Beasts alone could fight one-on-one against level 200 players, making them a serious advantage.
In response to the backlash, the officials held a press conference to address the concerns.
A well-dressed man in a sleek black suit, his dark hair neatly combed back, sat at the podium, dozens of microphones pointed in his direction.