You're my "Darling"

"Ugh..." Aster stirred, opening his eyes.

A sharp pain attacked his head as he tried to raise his body. He tried to move his hand, but realized that he couldn't.

Looking down with his blurred vision, he saw a head of orange and silver on either side, hugging his body tight and using his arms as pillows.

"... Huh?"

The scene confused him even more!

His mind quickly operated, trying to bring up the memory of how this situation came to be. However, the last he could remember was sitting down on the sofa and resting. He felt frustrated, unable to recall what happened!

"Mmm... Hmm?"

But then Cassy woke up, raising her head to stare into Aster's eyes from up close.

"Ah, you're finally awake!" She whispered in a lethargic, half-asleep tone, each syllable trailing off by quite a bit. "Good morning~!"