New territory

Trace opened his eyes. His wife was still in his arms, staring, bewildered, at the space between dreams.

There were only two dreams visible right now, in the middle of the morning, and they had just left one of them. He sagged with relief. It worked. He was a bit surprised Anaisa's dream orb didn't pop behind them, since no one occupied it. 

"Where are we?" Anaisa asked softly, seemingly afraid to break the silence.

"That's a bit hard to explain," Trace frowned. Would she remember this at all, outside her own dream? He'd never done this. Hadn't known if it would work. Wasn't sure what might happen.

All he had known was that he couldn't leave her to suffer in the nightmare she'd been having, and he'd been unable to get rid of it.

Anaisa blinked at him. "Is this a dream?"

He cringed at the question, but she continued talking without him answering.

"It must be a dream." She mused.