Trace's Answer

Trace watched Anaisa's face. It was such a relief to see her. He had half convinced himself that she was getting worse, not better, and that the doctor and Sapphira were lying.

Perhaps the poisoning had been far worse than he'd known. But now, here she was, sitting next to him, munching quietly on the bread he'd saved for her.

And talking to him! He wasn't sure she would ever speak to him again. This was already a miracle.

The conversation was strangely even, and pleasant. As if Anaisa were too tired to really fight with him. He'd seen her temper flare before and knew how intensely she could argue. He wasn't sure whether their current status was good or bad.

He hoped the lack of screaming was a good sign, though he certainly deserved it. Especially from her point of view, where he was willfully keeping further secrets rather than physically incapable of disobeying the Count's orders.