Masking emotions

Trace held his tongue while the women talked. When Anaisa brought up the prospect of past suitors, he cringed.

Given her background, it should have occurred to him that it was likely she had men pursue her hand before.

If Count Oakdown's deeds and past ever came to light and Anaisa was restored to her position, she probably would have many more again, urging her to divorce her country bumpkin farmer husband and take them on instead.

He wasn't sure at the moment how receptive she would be to such overtures. So when she looked at him over her shoulder with mischief in her eyes, his heart beat twice as fast.

She was flirting with him. Again.

He retreated deep into his thoughts as he weighed the implications. She said she hadn't forgiven him, but obviously she was not cutting him off forever. He'd been afraid of that when she sequestered herself in her chamber for two days.