A lot to contemplate

Anaisa awoke the next morning refreshed, and a little dazed. It didn't seem like a mere few hours since she'd fallen asleep. Her lips tugged upward, and she stretched lazily, remembering everything that had happened during the night.

During her dreams.

She frowned. There were so many pieces left to the puzzle. But, after watching Trace double over in pain for trying to tell her something… it changed her feelings quite a bit.

That he would go through that because he wanted to show her something he apparently couldn't talk about. She frowned. Unless he was manipulating her again.

The images flitted through her mind that he'd shown her. A cave, the magnificent tree… Barnabas.

She shook her head. It didn't make sense. Dreams were often symbolic, weren't they? But he said he made it for himself. To remember… so it must be a real event in some way. Slowly she rose from her bed, wincing when her twisted ankle touched the floor.