Waiting is the worst

Trace lingered in the sitting room, hearing the bustling sounds indicating the women were awake, but not having seen any sign of them just yet.

He'd woken this morning with strongly mixed emotions. Dejection and frustration at how he'd failed to give Anaisa even a single hint as to any of the information she wanted to know. He took a deep breath and ran one hand through his hair, waiting.

The other part of him was delirious with joy over the free, joyful, fervent way Anaisa had kissed him. It made his heart beat faster just thinking of the memory. And yet… he hadn't seen her since waking.

The last time they had kissed in a dream, she sequestered herself in her room for days. Granted, she'd been poisoned and had needed to recover, but he still worried the longer she took to emerge.

Normally, she was out long before now. Was she avoiding him?