A tenuous choice

Trace walked behind the princess. Her steps were hesitant at first, as if she was considering turning away and running. He tensed, bracing for that to happen, but as soon as she turned the corner and the suitors came into view, she tossed her hair haughtily and wrapped her spoiled persona around herself like a shield.

The bodyguard marveled at the switch, wondering how often the vulnerable woman within was more hurt and scared than anyone perceived.

"Who's first?" The princess demanded of the pair of bachelors and their families, breezing past them and into her chambers. Trace followed, glancing at the group, and the guards escorting them.

"After you," Denholm bowed graciously and gestured for the less imposing man to take his turn.

"You're very kind," Ben smiled tightly, clearly far more nervous than he had been the day before. Trace wondered at it, but let the suitor in and closed the door behind them.