A bold bluff

Trace's mouth fell open at Anaisa's seamless transition from his wife to a bratty, entitled princess. The guards looked startled by her sudden appearance, and exchanged a brief, confused glance before they moved aside.

With an understated sigh of relief, the two magic users followed Anaisa into the royal chambers, and she strode through the empty sitting room and toward the queen's bedroom.

She paused there, and knocked gently at the door. Trace grimaced, realizing their entire purpose for being here could be for naught.

The tiny prince had been weak and sickly. It was possible he had already passed away.

A weary doctor opened the door, and his gaze grew confused at the strange subset of palace occupants waiting for him.

"Yes?" He asked.

Trace was glad that Anaisa was at the forefront. She was the only one of them not under the compulsion to be silent about Oakdown's plot.