At last, the confession

Anaisa's heart pounded. Trace held her hands gently as he looked into her eyes, and she held her breath.

"Anaisa, I've wanted to tell you for some time now, and I hope you already know without me having to say it, but of course to not say it would be unforgivably cowardly, so bear with me."

She nodded, staying silent as he glanced off to one side to gather his thoughts.

"You know I've thought you were beautiful since the moment I laid eyes on you, that I've always intended to make the best of this marriage, from before I knew who you really were," He grimaced slightly. "Who you are. And it's hard to think about the fact that, if we succeed in breaking Oakdown's hold on the king, saving Sapphira, and rescuing the kingdom, you'll be far beyond my social reach. Able to leave me, if you wish."