The cave in

Ford groaned and lifted a hand to his head. It was pitch black around him. Where was he?

He shivered in the darkness. His hand hit his helmet. The candle there was extinguished, and cold. He was wet. The subtle sound of dripping water was the only thing within his hearing.

The air was close, and when he tried to sit up he realized one of his legs was trapped.

Don't panic. That was the most important thing. Panicking used air, and he had no way of knowing how much was in the pocket he occupied. He should be praising the powers that be that he was in a pocket at all. It could have been his whole body that was crushed, and not just his leg.

"Hello?" He coughed and choked on the breath it took to make the sound, impeding his ability to listen for a reply. When he finally was able to get enough control to breathe evenly again, he lay still in the quiet darkness.