The night

Ford lay awake in his borrowed bed. He still felt as if, any moment, someone would come to his door and demand that he move to the barn, that the floor was not comfortable enough for the boys, or that there was no place for a friend of Martin in this household.

He wondered how much Mia shared of what he'd told her with her parents.

He wondered how she was feeling.

A soft knock at the door startled him. He wondered for a moment if he'd imagined it, but after a moment he heard it again. 

Reaching for his crutch, he struggled to his feet and got to the door. When he opened it, he was more than a little surprised to see Mia standing in the dark hallway.

She held a finger to her lips and stepped inside the slightly opened door, closing it softly behind her. His eyes widened. What was happening??

He opened his mouth and she lifted her hand to cover it. His heart pounded. This was a dream. A bizarre dream. Didn't Trace manipulate dreams?