Runaway child

By the time the sun broke the horizon, Ford was satisfied they were far enough away from the farm to not be in immediate danger of being caught. The light was welcome as it let him see the terrain ahead, but it was also their enemy since it made the two riders more readily visible.

Mia was guiding them steadfastly in the same direction, and Ford hoped that the woman truly knew where they were headed.

After some time, she reined her horse in and dismounted.

"We should let them rest, they've done well," She told him, and then looked at his injured leg with some consternation.

He felt the same. If he were able to get down, was there any guarantee he could get up again?

Nearby was a creek, which likely ran towards the river separating nations. Mia took the reins of the horse she'd ridden and tied the creature on a bush within reach of the water.