Just stop it

"Stop what?" Ford asked suspiciously.

"Whatever this is, whatever you're doing now. You're getting what you want, and I'm not exactly going to leave you behind with my family's horse, am I? You pretended to like me, before. Or at least, were polite enough to satisfy your hosts. I'm telling you, you can drop the act. I've decided that I won't be offended."

Mia's little speech surprised him.

"The first time I hurt your feelings, you nearly cried in front of everyone," He reminded.

"I didn't expect it then," She shrugged. "Now that I know you a little better, some offensive remarks now and then won't get to me as easily. Don't go out of your way to get under my skin, but the act you put up bothers me more than a casual insensitive remark."

Ford wasn't sure what to make of this new attitude.
