Moving ground

The horse shied, and Mia grabbed the halter to keep the creature from full panic.

"What was that?" She cried with some fear as the ground stilled once more.

It was the most unsettling feeling in the world when that which should be most stable suddenly moved beneath her feet.

It reminded her of the day she found out her firm, steady family had been keeping something important from her for many years.

"Another cave in?" Gary demanded. "You said you were good at this, Ford. Made your living at it! How could you be so clumsy as to let this happen?"

Ford glared at the man, and Mia tied off Harper's reins to step between the two men.

"Things happen," She said calmly. "It's nobody's fault."

"The way is clear," Ford said, "Or was, a moment ago."

"Clear?" Gary stepped forward. "You mean–"