
At first, Mia thought that Ford had snuck past her and left the barn without so much as a 'hello,' but that suspicion was squelched when her father's voice rang out.

"Mia, are you in there?"

Her heart flew to her throat and she jumped out of her place in the stall.

"Yes, I'm here!" She cried. "I'm right here!"

It was ridiculous to step in front of Denholm's horse as if she could hide it, but she did so anyway… right as it disappeared.

Seth came deeper into the barn where he could see his daughter more clearly. Mia smiled tightly, nervous that Ford's power would slip and her father would become enraged.

His face melted into relief when he came close, and she puzzled at it. He looked down sheepishly.

"Last time I slept in the house, you were gone when I woke up. I went by your room to get you and… you were gone. I was afraid you'd left again. Maybe thought you could bring your uncle back on your own." He admitted.