Hello again

Mia's job, now that cattails and other wild vegetables were gathered, was to start the cookfire, nice and large, so that there would be ample coals to roast the meat over, and smoke to dry out what they wouldn't eat tonight.

Fresh meat sounded unbelievably delicious, and she was grateful that her father had been able to take the creature down before it disappeared into the tall grasses of these plains.

Mia closed her eyes with a sigh. The secondary pull was back almost constantly, not flickering like it had been thus far on their journey. Ford must have reached somewhere that he no longer felt the need to hide.

That was good. She wished him well.

There were thicker bushes and low trees closer to the river, which is where Mia had harvested most of the wood for the fire. The dead, dried out branches burned the most quickly, and she stoked the wan flames with a stick to provoke them.

The faster the fire, the sooner the meal.