
Mia's heart beat as Ford pulled his hand away. A few seconds later, everyone reappeared.

The man beside her looked as if he hadn't moved, and she was left wondering if she'd imagined the whole thing.

"Magic in working order?" She asked with a detached tone.

Ford turned his head and smiled. "Yes, thank you. Are you ready?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and his smile grew almost imperceptibly.

"Onward, then." Mia clicked her tongue, and Harper began to walk forward.

This section of the forest was soothing. Mia was fatigued from excessive use of her magic. The way that Ford had passed out after hiding the entire group from the chimera was strong in her memory.

Was she driving herself too hard? Using her gift too much?

It was a risk she had to take. There was no other way around it.

Pressing onward, she found herself slumping in her saddle. The way forward didn't change, and so she let her magic lapse. Stopped looking.