Take two

Ford was agitated. The pressure of getting Seth across safely had been heavy, but now Mia!

Not only was she more important to the mission of rescuing Trace, but she was… Mia.

He didn't know how else to describe it. Since the moment Denholm had once struck her, he'd felt an urge to protect her that only grew stronger over time. He'd suppressed it for as long as he could. With her father and grandfather around to look after her, it hadn't been too overwhelming.

Until now.

He was about to step with her into a pool of water containing something that could kill her with one snap of its jaws, and eat her in two bites. For himself, he'd been nervous. With Mia, he was nearly terrified.

What if his magic gave out? What if she tripped, and he couldn't find her without seeing where she was? What if one of the horses panicked and ran over her?