Careful progress

Mia watched as Ford joined hands with her family members. Staying together. Good.

Daniel was sandwiched between Anaisa and Grandpa, with Ford leading the way and Grandpa bringing up the rear.

"Gonna miss that horse," Her father murmured to himself, "but I can't say I'm disappointed with the call."

"Do we throw anything?" Mia threw a look at her father before concentrating on the monster again. "There are four of them, but they are people. They can be quieter than the horses jumping in… and maybe we shouldn't risk waking it."

"I think we wait, and watch carefully." Seth said. "I'll keep an eye on… well, they'll be invisible, so I can't really watch them, I guess."

"Can you see the monster?" Mia pointed, and after a moment, he nodded.

"Just barely, the outline."