Seeking safety

Mia was close enough to Ford to feel the heat rolling off of him. The air was cold, and he was soaked from his trips through the pool.

The last one of their horses, left behind on the far side, had bolted when the lightning struck. Mia was kicking herself, wondering if they had just stayed put on the other side until now, they might have had a path clear of the monster's threat.

Although, being in water during a lightning storm wasn't exactly safe.

But where were they to go? Ford had asked about shelter, but Mia daren't ask her family to follow so closely after that enormous white reptile.

There was no other safe direction that she could find.

Invisible, the group huddled close together, both to try to make it easier for Ford, and to minimize the space they took up so that the monsters would be less likely to trample or notice them.