Keep calm and carry on

Ford didn't panic. The group was invisible, though that seemed redundant in the darkness. His shielding, he knew, also kept the group from being heard.

But as to the other senses… he could obviously be touched, as he'd learned several times over.

From the memory of his kiss with Mia, he could recall the alluring scent of her hair, and the taste of her lips.

So if this animal, a creature of darkness and fear, hunted by smell…

Mia began to move strangely. He couldn't tell what she was signaling at all. Did they need to run? Hide? Flee?


Striking while invisible would give them an edge, but the creature before them was so massive that they still had little hope of defeating it.

It raised one of its large, terrifying feet, as if preparing to crush the humans with one titanic blow of its ten-toed clawed appendages… and then flailed it back and forth lightly.

It was… waving?