Fancy flight

Anaisa hadn't even heard the dragon's approach, let alone seen it, but apparently the wide bridge she'd been led out onto was really a kind of landing platform for the beasts.

"Ow!" She used the last of her breath to make the sound of protest.

Her waist–and arms–were ensnared within the grasp of the dragon's feet as it lifted her from the bridge. Mind flying into a panic, she wildly struggled before it could carry her too far.

Almost immediately, Anaisa realized that wiggling free now would mean dropping a dozen or more stories to her death, dashed upon the cave floor far below.

The dragon hovered in place for a moment, and Anaisa craned her neck to see that the wight was jumping aboard the dragon's back.

Using her arms to loosen the dragon's grasp as much as she could, which wasn't much, she was able to at least gain the space to fill her lungs once more with air.