Dream a little dream of me

Trace woke, not as refreshed as he possibly could have been, but better than he had felt in weeks.

Anaisa opened her eyes as he watched, and he marveled at the simple pleasure of waking up next to the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

The night, if it even was night, really–who could tell in this cave?--hadn't been without its challenges.

Trace had kept vigil on the Emperor's dreams as he did, constantly.

But when he'd seen Anaisa's dream appear… well, he could use a companion, couldn't he? Someone else to watch the large orb of fury while it roiled and shook and tried to rupture.

More eyes were better. Right?

So he'd quickly gone and retrieved her.

The solitude was better with her in it. The void between dreams was not so daunting while she held his hand and they talked, openly, for the first time since her arrival.

Really talked.