Wake me up inside

Mia had been sitting anxiously beside the sleeping people, wondering how long it would take, when her aunt woke in a panic.

"Get him out! They need out!" She cried hoarsely.

Sapphira immediately began shaking her husband, prodding him, and even slapping him across the face until he groggily came to.

All eyes turned to Trace.

He should be able to wake himself more easily than anyone else could. He should be able to pull himself out of even the most stubborn dreams with ease, shouldn't he?

Mia had always looked up to her uncle for his magic, as well as his other qualities. Surely she couldn't doubt them now.

"TRACE!" Anaisa shook her husband's shoulders desperately. "Please, wake up! Wake up!"

The man remained still, breathing slowly.

Mia shivered with the chill of the possibility he wouldn't, suddenly feeling rather cold, and her mind raced as she tried to think of some way to help.