Charlize's Gift

The day after their arrival, Charlize immediately visited Theron in his own room. She knew that it was still early in the morning, but her excitement couldn't be contained. 

Charlize had wished for a younger brother since the moment she could speak and think. Her joy when she found out that her mother was pregnant was immeasurable. And now, she couldn't afford to miss the chance to spend time with her younger brother. 

"Good morning, young lady." 

Charlize smiled back and greeted the maids who said hello to her. She was humming a soft tune as she arrived in front of Theron's room. 

"Good morning, Young Lady! Are you here to greet the young lord?" Asking the question, Rina slightly bowed her head as she opened the door for a fraction. 

"Yes, Rina!" Charlize enthusiastically answered before nodding. 

"The Young lord is with your mother inside, Young Lady." Rina informed Charlize, before opening the door completely. 

Charlize lightly smiled before proceeding inside. Despite being happy, her heart thumped out loud. She became quite nervous at the thought that she'd finally meet her own brother privately.

'Ahhh! It should be fine! My brother is still young!' Charlize's fingers fidgeted as she stared ahead of her. 

There, Charlize saw Allyza sitting on the bed. She was muttering some words while Theron peacefully laid on her arms. 

 "Mother!" Charlize's eyes widened as she excitedly waved her right hand. She hopped forward and cutely blew her cheeks. 

"My dear," Allyza lightly chuckled as she used her other free hand to gently caress Charlize's hair. 

"Good morning, Mother." Saying the words with formality, Charlize stood straight before bowing her head. 

With Charlize's actions, Allyza couldn't help but adoringly look at her oldest child. How time quickly flew and her daughter was already acting this mature. 

"What brought you here?" Allyza questioned, yet her eyes flew to Theron whose body lightly shifted as if wanting to see his older sister. 

"I want to swee my younger bwother, Mother." Charlize uttered followed by a short giggle. 

Chuckling, "It seems like your brother wants to see you too." Allyza said as she brought Theron down on her lap. 

With her guidance, Theron was able to sit on her lap. His back was fully leaning against her stomach while his hands were on her palms. 

"Ayaa!" (This is awkward.) Theron thought as his eyes met Charlize's. When he made a sound, he saw how Charlize's eyes sparkled in amusement.

Somehow this reminded Theron of the days when he was still a father. It was such a missed opportunity that he didn't get the chance to have any daughter in his previous life. 

"Mother, my bwother spowke to me!" Charlize exclaimed out loud, finding it unbelievable. 

"I know, my dear. Your brother must have liked you." Allyza answered as a smile appeared on her lips. She was worried a few days ago that her two children wouldn't get along since they have opposite genders but it wasn't that case at all. 

"Hi dwear bwother! I'm Charlize!" Charlize energetically waved her hand from side to side. 

"Nyehaa!" (Nice to meet you, Sister.) 

Theron answered, even though he knew that they wouldn't understand him. As he intently stared at Charlize with wondering eyes, he noticed their clear resemblance. 

"Woah! My bworther can make a sound! Hehehehe." Charlize dreamingly uttered as she took a step forward and sat besides her mother. Because of it, she was able to see her brother more clearly. 

"Look brother! I brought something for you." 

Without making any sound, Theron just stared at Charlize with curious eyes after noticing a large gift wrapped box on her hand. 

'I wonder what that is.' Theron questioned. It was his first time being curious about gifts presented to him. 

It must be because he knew who the gift was from, unlike the previous ones. This felt more sincere, and maybe he was just really curious at what his sister had got for him. 

This must be something good, right?

Charlize glanced over at her mother when she heard no reaction from Theron. "Do you think he's interested in my gift, Mother?" she curiously asked. 

Allyza nodded, the smile on her face not leaving. "Yes, my dear. In the past few days, your brother doesn't even look at the gifts being presented to him. But now look..." Allyza guided Charlize's vision to Theron. 

"Look at how your brother is staring at the gift in your hand." 

Allyza's answer gave Charlize a little confidence. Clearing her throat, she smiled widely and lightly raised the book in the air. 

"Your swister will opwen the gift for you!" Charlize excitedly uttered before peeking to the side to see if Theron had any reaction. 

Noticing it, Theron slightly smiled. 

'I guess, I should make more reactions in the future.' he uttered when he saw how Charlize became relieved after seeing his smile.

Charlize quickly opened the gift in her hands, lightly giggling as she did it. She personally picked the gift when they were on the way home from vacation so she was really looking forward to see what Theron's reaction would be. 

'I hope my brother likes this!' 

When Charlize was done opening the gift, she brought the book closer to Theron's face, 

"Do you what is this brother?" Charlize excitedly asked. 

Theron curiously stared at the thing in Charlize's hand. It was a children's story book, evident on the childish layout at the front page. However, there weren't any titles or words on the cover page, so he didn't know what's it all about. 

"My dear, your brother couldn't read or distinguish things yet. I suggest you tell what's your gift so he could understand it." Allyza softly advised when she saw that Theron could only stare at the bool with curious eyes.

Blowing her cheeks, Charlize pouted her lips before slowly nodding. She scratched the back of her head. She forgot that her brother was just a month old. 

"I bought you a story book bwother! This is a famous story in the capital of Arcanis! Almwost all Kwids in there have wead it." Charlize answered with a bright smile on her face as she opened the first page of the book. 

"Lwook brother! Thwis is a stowy of Empweror Karlus! He is a gweat man, brother!"