Hide and Seek (1)

A new day meant another day for Theron to make friends with Elias. 

"My Lord, should we go?" Rian, who had just gotten inside Theron's chambers, greeted him with a smile on her face. 

"Yes," The corner of Theron's lips slightly turned upwards as he carefully went down on his bed. He was already dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit by one of his maids. 

"Let's go, My Lord. The Young Miss and Lord Elias are already waiting in the garden." Rian informed in a soft voice as she took Theron's hands so she could guide him as they walked together. 

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the garden of the Xion estate. Their garden houses vibrant flowers in every imaginable color. In the center of it was a small fountain continuously spouting crystal-clear water that was sparkling in the sunlight. 

Birds chirped melodiously from the branches of oak trees that stood like guardians at the edges of the garden. They provided shade and protection from the radiating heat, allowing the children to play comfortably early in the morning. 

"Elias! Did you have a good sleep?" Curious, Charlize questioned in a loud voice. The two of them were seated in front of each other, at a circular table. 

"Yes! It's so comfortable here!" Elias answered, his eyes filled with excitement. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since he learned that his father would leave him. 

Growing up without a mother, Elias had to mature earlier for his age. He still enjoyed life, but at the same time, knew his responsibilities. It was because, in their family, he and his father could only depend on each other. 

Their relationship with their relatives were strained due to a number of reasons. One of them was that they did not want to accept that his father was now the head of the household. 

"Are you okay?" Charlize squinted her eyes as she leaned forward, trying to observe Elias's facial expression. She puffed her cheeks and swayed her feet that was hanging from the end of the chair. 

"Yes," Elias answered, followed by a light chuckle. He smiled widely showing his pearly white teeth. 

For a moment, Charlize's eyes slightly widened. Her cheeks heated up as she bowed her head down. She suddenly became shy for no reason. 

"Twats good then…"


"Swi…sser! E..yas!" (Sister! Elias!) Waving his hand from side to side, Theron arrived shortly after. He was now carried by Rian after getting tired from just walking for a few metres. His room was at the end of the second floor. 

Charlize's eyes immediately widened after hearing a familiar voice. She raised her head up high and smiled. 

"Little Brother!" She excitedly exclaimed as she jumped down the chair. She giggled as she ran closer to her own brother. 

"Young Miss," Rian respectfully bowed her head before putting Theron down. 

'Why does my sister look off today?' Theron uttered, noticing the redness on Charlize's cheeks. When he glanced at the back, he noticed that Elias was awkwardly quiet too. 

'I guess something happened.' he shrugged his shoulders before flashing a smile on his face. 

"Dwo…wing… two.. Wat?" (What are the two of you doing?) Theron innocently asked as he grabbed Charlize's hands before they walked forward. 

"We were talking." Charlize answered as she and Rian guided Theron to sit besides her. 

Rian gently poured hot milk over their cups before cutting a freshly baked cake. She put a little bit on Theron's plate before placing a silver bib around his neck. 

"We will just be on the sides, My Lords, My Lady." She informed them before walking to the sides where the other maids were standing in silence. 

When Rian left, a sudden awkward silence enveloped them. Theron thought I was odd since usually, Charlize would talk about a lot of things. It was her first time being quiet. Maybe he should step up instead. 

"Ey…yas gar…dwen… like?" ("Do you like the garden, Elias?) Theron asked, interest and curiosity evident in his voice. 

Despite their family lacking in wealth, his parents still continued to take care of the garden and the whole household. The garden was undeniably Theron's favourite spot in the house. 

Adding to having a beautiful view, their garden was filled with radiating mana. Theron didn't know where it came from, but he was thankful for it. He was able to absorb more mana in his body, improving his magic. 

Elias nodded enthusiastically. "Yesh, it's beautiful here. I love all the flowers and the fountain. It's so peaceful!"

"We can play some games here. Maybe hide and seek or tag? What do you think, Theron?" Charlize, with her cheeks still slightly flushed, excitedly chimed in. 

Elias's eyes sparkled at the suggestion. They quickly forgot about the awkwardness from earlier. "I'd love that! We can explore the garden together." 

Theron smiled, feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment. That was easy. 

"Ye…sh! We..'sh pway!" (Yes! Let;'s Play!) he said eagerly, his words clearer as his excitement grew.

Maybe this would hopefully help with his interaction with Elias. 

Charlize clapped her hands, thrilled with the idea. "Alright, let's finish our milk and cake first. Then we can start our adventure." she exclaimed out loud, however it was quickly replaced with worry when she glimpsed over at Theron. 

"But, you are still young, Theron." She uttered, now realizing it. 

"Iss fayn." (It's fine.) Theron assured in a low voice. He could clearly protect himself if something wrong would happen and they were surrounded by maids and knights on the side. 


"How about we just play hide and seek? So that Theron can play!" Elias quickly recommended it. He was fast to think of a solution. 

"Oh, that's right!" Charlize exclaimed, smiling widely. She nodded multiple times and raised a thumb for Elias. 

"Let's just play hide and seek then!"