
If only Theron could measure the embarrassment he was feeling right now, then it would reach the sky's height. He stared directly at the back, his vision passing by the maids who were silently standing behind them.

Rian slowly took off the last piece of cloth that was hiding his private area. He sighed and accepted his fate.

"I saw how you used the sword earlier. You're doing great, Young Lord," Rian complimented softly, her tone gentle and soothing. She proceeded with the bath, her hands careful and respectful. 

The warm water, combined with her gentle touch, made the experience bearable for Theron.

Theron managed a small smile, appreciating her kind words. "Thank you, Rian. I just want to get stronger!" he exclaimed out loud as if he was a child dreaming of something big. 

As Rian meticulously cleaned him, Theron tried to distract himself by focusing on his surroundings. The ornate carvings on the walls, the soft glow of the candlelight, and the subtle scent of lavender in the air all seemed more interesting than the current situation. 

"You will, Young Lord," Rian replied followed by a short laugh. "With your determination, you can surely achieve anything!" 

The rest of the bath passed in a relatively comfortable silence. Once Rian was done, she wrapped Theron in a soft towel and helped him out of the pool. She quickly dressed him in a fresh set of clothes, ensuring he was warm and dry.

Finally, the time of torture was over. 

"There you go, Young Lord," Rian said with a satisfied smile. "All clean and ready for dinner."

Theron nodded, feeling a bit more at ease now that the bath was over. "Thanks, Rian."

- - - 

Just like that, a week had already passed in the Xion household. The children's days were packed with lessons, training, and playing. 

On the days like that, only the time where the swordsmanship lesson kept him interested. And on the nights when he didn't feel tired, he would continue to train his Magic. He did not want to fall on his magic while improving his current skill in swordsmanship. 

"Okay, Theron. Let's do a simple squat." Aldric placed his hand together as he stared at Theron sternly. 

Theron silently stood in the training yard, the sun's rays blazing above him. While Elias and Charlize practiced how they sway their swords by hitting a dummy, he was on the side, practicing his stance. 

It wasn't a big deal to him since this was a way to improve his stamina. He knew that It would do him good in the long run.

"Good, Theron. Your stance is improving," Sir Aldric said, nodding in approval. "Just do it for a few more seconds. Don't strain yourself since your body is still young."

"Yes, Sir Aldric." Theron nodded before smiling a little. He wiped the sweat on his forehead using his small hands. He continued to squat with his whole back leaning straight against a flat wall. 

After just a few seconds, his legs started to shake. Theron was secretly cursing his body in his mind. It was too weak for him. The only thing that was keeping him going was thinking of it as a challenge. 

He wanted to see his current limitation. 

"13… 14… 15…" 

It was 15 seconds before his whole body gave up. Theron silently sighed as he sat on the ground, crossed-legged. He didn't mind the dirt that was clinging on his clothes. 

"Rest for a while, Theron. Afterward, watch your sister and Elias for the meantime." Aldric pitied Theron. 

"I will, Sir Adric." Theron smiled before nodding. He secretly took a deep breath before turning his eyes towards his Sister. 

He chuckled as he watched Charlize struggle with her training sword. Although the swords the kids were using were only made of light wood, it looked incredibly heavy in Charlize's hands.

That simple observation already spoke a lot about Charize's strength.

'I wonder if my sister can even succeed in this.' It was still early, but Theron was already questioning about it. 

Growing up closely with Charlize and Elias, Theron already noticed their strengths and weaknesses. 

Charlize was good in communication but can't really handle any intensive physical tasks. Despite being stubborn sometimes, she was a good talker and someone who could easily lighten the atmosphere. Skills like that were good for business. 

Elias, on the other hand, was a shy one. At first, Theron didn't know what he's possibly good since he's average in every field. But at the days of their training, he noticed that he was actually good at holding a sword. 

'I guess he wants to follow his father's footsteps.' Theron kept his thoughts all to himself. 

Theron continued to watch tin silence. He didn't get bored at all, despite not doing anything except for a few positions that Aldric would ask him. He had despised learning in his first life, so it was a shock to him that he actually enjoyed it now.

After a few hours of practice, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the training yard. As if it was a sign, Rian's voice rang out from the distance.

"Young Lords and Lady Charlize, it's time for dinner!" she shouted out loud, waving her hand. 

The children straightened up, their tired expressions brightening at the thought of food. Elias and Charlize excitedly put away their practice swords as Theron quickly went closer to them.

"Thank you for today, Sir Aldric." The children bowed their heads and respectfully said goodbye. 

"You're welcome. I'll see you all after 2 days." Aldric answered in a stiff voice before excusing himself to leave. 

"Let's go now, everyone! The Baron and the Baronnes are already waiting at the dining hall." After Aldric's departure, Rian hurriedly spoke in a tensed voice as if she was in a panic.