Picnic (1)

Back at the estate, Theron and Charlize watched the carriage disappear down the path, leaving their estate.

"I hope he'll be okay," Allyza said softly, her eyes filled with concern as silence ensued among all of them. 

"I hope too," Tyron replied, though his tone lacked confidence. 

"Let's get ready and set out as well. We agreed to give them some alone time first, so let's not bother them while we're in there, okay?" He reminded the two kids when he noticed the worry in their eyes. 

Theron and Charlize looked at each other before silently nodding. 

"Stay here first. Your mother and I will fetch some things. Your maids are already outside. We'll take a few knights for safety." Giving a quick reminder, Tyron smiled at Theron and Charlize before turning around and leaving with Allyza.

When they were left alone, Charlize tugged on Theron's sleeve, getting his attention.

"Do you think Elias's family will try to convince him to stay with them?" she asked, her voice barely audible.

Although Theron was hesitant to answer, he still nodded. "They will, for sure, Sister. But Brother Elias is smart. I hope he will choose wisely."

Charlize sighed, her eyes reflecting her inner worry. She was really anxious that they would take Elias away suddenly. 

"I-I hope he won't leave us then…" she sighed and pouted her lips.

She'd really sulk and not forgive Elias if he just leave suddenly!

"He won't, Sister," Theron smiled to reassure her. He knew that as long as they reveal the true intentions of Elias's family, then it would be impossible for them to take Elias away.

A smile rose up to Charlize's lips when she heard Theron's confident statement. She giggled and placed her hand on top of Theron's hair, lightly disheveling it.

"You know what, little brother? You sometimes speak as if you're older than me!" she exclaimed, puffing her cheeks.

Charlize sometimes wonders if Theron was really younger than her.

Theron chuckled and smiled. "It's because I'm smart, Sister."

Charlize rolled her eyes at his answer. She shook her head and stepped aside, looking at Theron with a judging eye. Her brother could be too self-confident sometimes.

Meanwhile, in the carriage, Elias was beginning to feel uncomfortable as Lord Caspian and Lady Serese continued to talk about the benefits of living with them. Even though what they were saying sound good, he couldn't help but think about his friends and the life he had at the Xion estate.

It was a life filled with love, support, and genuine care—something he wasn't sure he would find with his new relatives. However, he was still hopeful about it.

The carriage eventually came to a stop at a picturesque meadow, a place full of grass and fresh flowers. There were also a lot of noble families around spending time with each other, but each had their own designated space.

"We're already here, Elias. Look over there." Lord Caspian smiled and pointed at the far side, where a luxurious picnic was already set up.

Lord Caspian helped Elias down from the carriage while Lady Serese guided them. They passed by a lot of families who happily greeted them. 

"Woww!" Elias's eyes widened. His heart jumped as he excitedly stared at the humongous blanket spread with an array of delicious foods on top. There were a lot of maids, who were standing proudly on the sides with their heads held up high.

"Welcome, young master." The maids all bowed their heads as they greeted Elias in a monotonous voice.

"This is all for you, Elias," Lady Serese said with a smile, a boasting look was all over her place.

"We wanted to show you a glimpse of the life you could have with us." She said softly, even though at the back of her mind, she knew that this was something the Xion family couldn't afford.

"Thank you, Auntie and Uncle." Elias's eyes sparkled as he looked in the lavish setup. The food looked incredible, and the attention to detail was astounding. He felt a mixture of awe and gratitude as he realized how much effort his family had put into this for him.

They led him to the blanket, where he was seated at the center. Lord Caspian and Lady Serese sat beside him, ensuring he had everything he needed. They handed him the best portions of the food and kept him entertained with stories of their family.

Ironically, Lord Caspian and Lady Serese tell the most amazing stories. They knew exactly how to keep Elias entertained and hooked on their words.

Elias couldn't help but feel special. He appreciated the kind treatment and the luxurious experience. However, a small part of him still longed for the simplicity and genuine care he felt at the Xion estate.


After two hours of enjoying the luxurious picnic, Elias felt a growing sense of internal conflict. Lord Caspian and Lady Serese had been nothing but kind, showering him with attention and telling captivating stories.

He felt as if he really belonged to his true family because of it. 

"Brother wait for mee!"

"Charlize you're so loud."

Elias's eyes widened as looked up when he heard two familiar voices. Quickly looking around, he saw Tyron and Allyza approaching them with Theron and Charlize at the back. They were running while laughing.

The Xion family arrived with a group of knights and a few maids following them.

"Good afternoon." Passing by them, Tyron and Allyza momentarily stopped to greet Lord Caspian and Lady Serese.

"Good afternoon, Lord Caspian and Lay Serese." Charlize and Theron followed, bowing their heads slightly before smiling.

"Good afternoon, Baron, Baroness, and the kids." Lord Caspian greeted with a smile on his face. He moved aside and placed his hands over Elias's little shoulder as if hinting that they were close already.

"I hope you don't mind if Elias will stay with us for more time." Lady Serese chuckled as she stared at Tyron and Allyza in a boastful way. 

Tyron and Allyza smiled graciously at Lord Caspian and Lady Serese.

"We don't mind at all," Tyron said calmly, his eyes steady.

Theron, sensing the underlying tension, stepped forward with a cheeky grin.

"I hope you're enjoying, Elias! Join Charlize and me later if you get bored with all this and want to play!"