Lord Caspian and Lady Serese's Plan

As more hours passed by, Elias, Theron, and Charlize, along with the other children, played continuously. The meadow, once calm and serene, had transformed into a lively playground, echoing with the sounds of laughter from the children.


"Sister, I'm already too tired. Can I rest?" Theron repeatedly tapped Charlize's shoulder when they were alone after being caught first in the game of hide and seek.


Charlize worriedly looked at Theron when she saw him sweaty and tired. She immediately nodded and smiled. "Of course, Brother! Do you want me to take you to Mom and Dad?" she asked, glancing around, looking for their parents.


Theron shook his head. Instead, he eyed Elias, who was walking towards their direction. He had also already been caught since their hiding spots were only right next to each other.


"I'll ask Brother Elias instead!" he exclaimed out loud with a cheeky smile.


Charlize pouted and nodded. Truth be told, she was too lazy to leave the spot tey were in. She had just volunteered because she cared for her little brother. "I'll leave you to Elias then!" Charlize uttered as the two of them waited for Elias to arrive.


"Brother Elias, Brother Elias," Theron stepped forward, making his expression cuter.


"Yes, Theron?" Elias curiously questioned, a smile slowly etching on his lips. He found Theron adorable. How could someone be as cute as Theron?!


"Can you bring me to Mother and Father?" Theron asked in a low voice even though his eyes were sparkling. He clung to the hem of Elias's clothes and swayed it repeatedly.


Chuckling, Elias nodded. "Of course! But…" he answered out loud, slowly turning his head to Charlize. His eyes squinted as his sweet smile turned into a teasing one. "Charlize must have refused you, right, Theron? Look at your sister, not loving you! This is why I'm your favorite." Elias uttered in a teasing tone. He held Theron's little hands and pulled him gently before teasingly looking at Charlize.


Charlize's eyes widened. "Hey!"


Elias laughed out loud. "Let's go now, Theron." He uttered as he took a step forward, ignoring Charlize's small complaints.


Theron chuckled as he let Elias lead the way. He looked over his shoulder while walking and saw Charlize following them in silence. Charlize had her lips pouted, her arms crossed, and she was looking around, obviously sulking at the teasing she got.


As they walked, the look on Theron's face changed. From a cute and playful one to a serious expression. He held on Elias's hands as he took something out of his pocket.


"Brother Elias, I have something for you." Theron sweetly smiled as he leaned forward, whispering the words right into Elias's ears.


"What is it, Theron?" His heart warmed, thinking that Theron got a gift for him.


Theron's smile widened as he opened his palms, a red string on it. "Can you wear this, Brother Elias? I made this for you!"


"Is this a bracelet?" Elias's eyes sparkled. Even though it was a plain red string, it became something special for him.

"Yes, Brother Elias," Theron nodded. He looked around, trying to see if anyone saw what he presented. He was relieved when there was none.

"I'll wear this immediately!" Elias exclaimed in a low voice. He let go of Theron's hands and wore the red string on his wrist excitedly. Since he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, it became completely hidden.

"Keep it with you always, okay, Brother Elias?" Theron said, pouting his lips as he stared directly into Elias's eyes.

Elias nodded. "I promise," he said happily, holding Theron's hands again as their walk became faster.

As silence ensued, Theron let out a satisfied smile. Despite looking simple, the red string was embedded with a simple tracking spell. It was something he had been learning for the last three years.

He had tried learning it just for fun and to improve his magic. Who would have known that it would be helpful to him after so long?

"Mom! Dad!" Theron wave his hands when they arrived back at his parents location.

"Thank you, Brother Elias." Theron warmly thanked Elias for bringing him to his parents.

"Are you going back now to your auntie and uncle?" 

Elias nodded, smiling at Theron and Charlize. "Yes! They must have missed me already. I'll take my leave now and come back here later!" he said as he waved his hands.

"Take care, Elias," Allyza reminded him worriedly since it was quite a distance between their spot and Elias's family's location.

"Yes, Auntie," Elias bowed his head before excitedly turning around, running back to his auntie and uncle.

Lord Caspian and Lady Serese greeted Elias with warm smiles as he approached them. "Did you have a good time, Elias?" Lord Caspian asked, his tone gentle and affectionate.

Elias nodded. "Yes, Uncle Caspian. Thank you for letting me play with my friends."

Lady Serese placed a hand on Elias's shoulder, her smile widening. "We're glad you had fun, dear. Now, we have a little surprise for you. A small trip!"

Elias's eyes widened in surprise. "A trip? Where are we going?"

Caspian exchanged a quick glance with Serese before answering. "It's a surprise, but we think you'll love it. We'll be leaving right now."

Elias's heart skipped a beat. "Right now? But I told Auntie Allyza and Uncle Tyron that I'll go home with them later."

Serese's smile tightened. "Don't worry, my dear. We already asked for their permission, and they said yes!"

"Really?" Elias pressed his lips together as he stared at them.

"Yes, my dear," Serese confidently said in a reassuring tone.

"Alright then, Auntie," Elias answered with a smile on his face.

'Nothing bad will happen, right? My uncle and auntie are kind… and they must have really asked Auntie Allyza.' Elias nodded slowly. He looked back and saw Allyza and Tyron busy taking care of Theron and Charlize.

Elias followed his aunt and uncle to the carriage, feeling a heavy weight settle in his chest. As he climbed into the carriage, he glanced back at the meadow one last time.

The carriage door closed, and Elias felt a shiver run down his spine. He tried to shake off the feeling, telling himself that it was fine.

As the carriage began to move, Lord Caspian and Lady Serese exchanged a satisfied glance. Their plan was going smoothly and soon enough, Elias would be completely theirs to control.