They're Ready

As the family returned home, the air was filled with a heavy silence. The usually cheerful household was subdued, with Allyza and Tyron preoccupied with thoughts of Elias.

After making sure that Charlize was settled and attended to, Allyza and Tyron gathered in the study with Theron.

"Alright, Theron," Tyron said, his tone serious but gentle. "You said you have everything under control. What do you mean by that?"

Theron smiled at his parents, who were eyeing him with worry. He sighed deeply, realizing he had no choice but to answer honestly.

"Mother, Father, I gave Elias a special bracelet that can trace his location. I gave it to him earlier…" Theron answered slowly, his voice low. He pressed his lips together when his parents didn't immediately respond.

"Since when have you been practicing your magic?" Tyron asked, his voice filled with seriousness.

Theron scratched the back of his head, feeling like he was in the middle of an intense interview. "I've been practicing in secret, Father," he admitted, bowing his head slightly.

"You're only four years old, Theron. If what you said is true, that you gave something to Elias to track his location, those skills are not suitable for your age. How did you learn this when no one has taught you yet?" Tyron questioned as his eyebrow formed a straight line.

"Lorian taught me a little bit of it, Father. And that's not a skill but just a spell. It's easy to do with the right practice," Theron explained briefly.

Allyza's eyes widened in surprise. "You never mentioned this before." even she was shocked with the sudden revelation.

"Lorian said to keep it a secret, Mother." Theron smiled apologetically.

'I'm sorry for using Lorian's name, but I don't have any other choice right now. I just hope that my parents don't pursue this matter further and ask him about it, or I'll be doomed,' Theron thought, watching how Allyza and Tyron glanced at each other after hearing his answer.

The only thing he could do right now was to lie about it.

Tyron leaned forward, his eyes squinting. "So, you can sense Elias right now?" he asked just to make sure.

"Yes, Father. But I don't know his exact location," Theron nodded.

It's a pity that his magic skills were still very basic, allowing him only a faint sense of where Elias was. It was better than nothing.

Tyron took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "Alright, my dear. Can you give us a general direction of where Elias might be?"

"I will father," Theron closed his eyes, concentrating. Deep in his heart, he tried to feel the magic that he placed in the bracelet he gave to Elias.

'East… West… North… South'

"Father where is the Viscount Mansion's?" Theron asked, trying to confirm what he found out.

Even though he was confused by the question, Tyron still answered Theron's inquiries.

"Their main estate is located at the south of our kingdom. A 2-hour drive away from us. Although they have another one at the western border of the city."

"Then they're at the western border, father." Theron answered, 100% sure of it.

'I'm amused that Caspian and Serese is smart to not go on the main estate. For sure my parents are already eyeing that location.' Theron thought, as a subtle grin appeared on his face.

Tyron took a moment to absorb the information. He glanced at Allyza, who looked equally worried but also hopeful.

"Alright, Theron. Thank you for letting us know. How about you rest now while the adults plan? I'm sure you're already tired, my dear," Tyron said, his tone resolute but sweet. He was worried that Theron was already tired after all that happened.

However, Theron shook his head, sensing the concern in his parents.

"Father, Mother, I think we should wait until tomorrow to go to the western border. It's already late, and it would be safer to travel in the morning." Worried about it, Theron suggested.

He was thinking about it since earlier.

Allyza nodded as her hands gently caressed Tyron's back. All of them were worried, but it was already too late. They need to plan carefully since they will be stepping on the Viscount's household.

They don't know what's waiting for them in there.

"Our son is right, Tyron. It's too risky to go now. How about we just go tomorrow, hmm?"

Tyron looked at them hesitantly. "We don't know how they're treating Elias in there. It's best to act now."

"I believe they won't harm him for now, Father. But we need to act quickly before they have a chance to turn Elias against us," Theron said, giving a reassuring smile.

Allyza sighed in relief but remained cautious. "Let's just listen to our son for now, My Love."

Tyron, feeling the persistence from both his wife and son, sighed and nodded in agreement. "Alright. We'll make all the necessary preparations tonight and leave tomorrow at first light."

"That's better," Allyza chuckled, moving closer to Theron. She picked him up and smiled. "Do you want to listen to the planning, my son?" she asked, scrunching her nose playfully.

Theron smiled and nodded. He hugged Allyza's neck and rested his forehead on her shoulder.

'Why am I suddenly becoming sleepy?' Theron yawned loudly as he closed his eyes. Though he was still awake, his consciousness began to drift away because of his mother's comforting embrace.

Tyron called for Maximus and briefed him on the situation. "We need a team of our best knights ready to move at dawn. We're going to the western border to retrieve Elias from his family. Send a letter to his father in case the worst happens."

Maximus immediately nodded. "Understood, My Lord. I'll ensure everything is ready."

Allyza turned to Theron, who was resting on her shoulder. She smiled and placed a gentle hand on his head. "You've done well, Theron. Now, get some rest. Do you want to go with us tomorrow?"

Theron, even with his eyes closed, nodded. "Yes, Mother. I'll be ready…" he murmured in a barely audible voice. That was the last thing he remembered before falling asleep.

After putting Theron to bed, Allyza and Tyron found a moment alone in the study. "I can't believe how much Theron has grown," Allyza murmured, her voice tinged with both pride and concern.

"He's remarkable for such a young age," Tyron said, wrapping an arm around Allyza's waist. "We'll get Elias back, Allyza. I promise."

The night passed slowly as everyone in the household prepared for the journey ahead. The knights readied their gear, and Allyza ensured everything was in order. Neither she nor Tyron slept a wink.

As dawn broke, the family gathered once more, except for Charlize, who refused to wake up so early. Carrying the sleepy Theron in her arms, Allyza and Tyron exchanged a determined glance. With everything well prepared, they knew they were ready for the day ahead.

"Let's go bring Elias back home," Tyron declared.