Saving Elias

Allyza's eyes lit up with determination. "We need to move discreetly. Maximus, follow us." She gripped Theron's back tightly as they moved towards the side mansion, keeping low and avoiding the main battle.

Fortunately, everyone was busy with the battle that no one was able to notice them. They slipped through the shadows, using it to their advantage.

Maximus led the way, his sword ready in his hand, scanning for any threats that may come along their way. They reached a side entrance, and Maximus quickly killed the two guards stationed there.

It was ruthless, but they currently have no choice.

The corridor inside was dimly lit, and the air was heavy with tension. Allyza and Theron followed Maximus closely, their footsteps echoing softly on the stone floor. As they approached the back of the mansion, the sound of voices grew louder.