A Devastating One

Tyron immediately set down his fork, his expression turning serious.

"What is happening?" He asked the question. His tone was commanding but calm. However, an air of heavy tension quickly surrounded them.

The knight swallowed hard, his eyes darting between Tyron and Theron repeatedly.

"There's a rumor spreading in the capital... They're saying that the war has finally ended, but... but… Viscount Alden had fallen in the battle..."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of the knight's words sinking in. Theron felt a cold chill run down his spine. Viscount Alden was not just any random man whom he met years ago, he was also the father of his dear friend, Elias. 

Tyron's face darkened, and the gravity of the situation cleared in his eyes. He quickly stood up from his chair, his mind already thinking about all kinds of possibilities.

"Is this confirmed?" he demanded, his voice low and urgent.