To Be Strong

After Oscar Bennett's funeral, life seemed to resume its relentless march forward.

The entire country was still abuzz with the news of the canceled wedding ceremony between Amelie and Liam. It was the talk of every social circle, but given the tragedy that had befallen their family, most people were smart enough to hold their tongues, recognizing the delicacy of the situation. After all, Liam and Amelie were already married; the wedding ceremony was just a declaration of that union. 

But for Liam, the loss of his grandfather had left a gaping wound in his fragile heart.

Almost a week had passed since he said his final goodbyes to his grandfather, and yet he had not left the bed, consumed by grief.

The once vibrant, determined man had been reduced to a shell of himself, utterly heartbroken and sunk deep in a pit of depression.